Snooker cold China 7 out of last 16, only Ding Junhui left

The much-anticipated Snooker World Open is in full swing, and now the top 16 have all come out, so many fans can’t imagine is the top 16, Chinese snooker only left Ding Junhui. Previously, the top 32 Chinese snooker as many as 8 people advanced, along with the game, encountered the strength of the opponents stronger, Chinese snooker 7 people out of the game to stop the top 32, the top 16 only left Ding Junhui, according to the schedule to see Ding Junhui is not optimistic.

last 16, only Ding Junhui left
last 16, only Ding Junhui left

Ding Junhui and world champion Murphy, O’Sullivan in the same half, the next impact on the top 8 matchups are as follows, the second half of O’Sullivan against Hussein. O’Sullivan vs. Hussein Wafei, Ding Junhui vs. Robertson against Chris Wakeling, Hawkins against Chris Wakeling. Robertson v Chris Wakeling, Hawkins v Maguire, Trump v David Lilley, Karen Millen v David Lilley. Lilley, Karen Wilson vs. Wilson v Wollaston, Selby v Jackson Page, Slessay v Wollaston. Page, Slythe v Daniel Wells. Daniel Wells. From the matchup situation, next Ding Junhui face Murphy, if you can beat Murphy to advance to the top 8, then is expected to face O’Sullivan staged Ding O meeting.

It is worth saying that Murphy still has two brushes, and Murphy the player is not liked by Chinese fans, mainly because the character is too bad, after the Chinese youngster with a wild card to participate in the competition beat him, on the contrary, Murphy in the social media slammed the Chinese youngster did not qualify to play with him. There are also previously also in the social media above spit Ding Junhui. Now come to the World Open snooker tournament held in Yushan, Shangrao, China, Chinese snooker players home games, I believe that Murphy will also control their big mouth, for Ding Junhui against Murphy’s game is destined to be bad.

Many fans believe that Ding not only has to do a good job of defending his position, but also has to fight Murphy on the long side of the table, and it’s unrealistic to expect Murphy to make mistakes and win the match. Of course, even if you beat Murphy, the next match against O’Sullivan, Ding Junhui is still not favored party, after all, O’Sullivan’s comprehensive strength is stronger. At the same time, O’Sullivan has also been trying to develop the Chinese snooker market, this time came to Yushan to participate in the Snooker World Open match, O’Sullivan is also very happy, tasted the Yushan cigarettes, O’Sullivan swallowed the clouds and fog is very enjoyable.

Snooker World Open
Snooker World Open

For many fans certainly want to see Chinese snooker players at home to play good results, to win the championship, but the ideal is very rich reality is very bone-sensitive, snooker this sport or to look at the overall strength of the situation, although nowadays the Chinese snooker players appeared in the situation of the blowout, the emergence of a lot of talented snooker players, some players have got the qualifying championship, but because of the lack of cultural precipitation of snooker, many players need to adjust the mentality of the players, but also the lack of cultural precipitation. Many players need to adjust their mentality, especially when it comes to the key moment, they want to win and are afraid of losing, which leads to going out.

For example, in this match at home, Zhang Anda went out early to disappoint many fans, and Zhou Yuelong and other players also did not play level, obviously in the home to participate in the game, the heart think too much, resulting in a loss. We all know Ding Junhui game sometimes eyelids fluttering, can also be said to be mentally unstable, plus compared to the peak of the long platform accuracy is down, so many fans do not think Ding Junhui can win the final championship, but now Ding Junhui become the only seedling of the Chinese snooker, blessing Ding Junhui good luck, can be defended in the home of the honor of the Chinese snooker.

In fact, it is not difficult for Ding Junhui to win the championship, Ding Junhui’s snooker talent is enough, many fans believe that as long as Ding Junhui put more time and energy on snooker, Ding Junhui back to the peak of the problem is not big. But it must be said that along with the growth of Ding Junhui, Ding Junhui take on more roles, such as marrying and having children, is now a father of two children, plus the temptation of business above, Ding Junhui is difficult to go back to the past, how do you think about this, welcome to leave a message in the comments section, we will discuss the exchange.

Author: mini

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